Dr Helen Haines MP was shortlisted for the 2022 McKinnon Emerging Political Leader of the Year for her tireless work ethic and firm commitment to relentlessly advancing public policy reforms, including the introduction of a national anti-corruption or integrity commission.
The Shortlisting Committee commended Haines for her considerable impact as a “community-driven” leader on the national stage – acknowledging the significant role Haines took in helping to formulate, champion and – ultimately – support legislation for the National Anti-Corruption Commission (National Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2022). The Committee acknowledged Haines’ many years of campaigning for a national anti-corruption or integrity body leading to the design of her own framework and introduction of a bill which served as a model for the legislation that ultimately passed. The Committee noted that Haines’ long-term commitment was recognised when she was asked to serve as the Deputy Chair of the Committee inquiring into the NACC legislation.